A Roof Over Your Head: Housing and Homelessness Journalism Project – 2019

We all need a roof over our head, so you don’t have to go very far, or anywhere for that matter, to find stories about housing and homelessness. And, as advocates of public journalism remind us, local communities are often starved of independent, fairly reported information about their own neighborhoods. So this year the Special Topics journalism class at Hamline University is focusing on issues of housing and homelessness in our own neighborhood, the Midway of St. Paul, Minn., and in the larger Twin Cities metropolitan area. Working in small groups, student reporters have approached housing issues from a number of directions: homelessness, renting and buying, and issues facing Hamline students themselves. They have researched published material, consulted experts, and talked to people about their lives. Each group has created their own site to present a cluster of related stories. We hope that they shed some light on an issue that affects us all.

Team 1: Experiences in the Margins

Team 2: Struggles, Challenges, and Pathways to Home Ownership

Team 3: Stories on Homelessness

Team 4: Hamline Housing

Team 5: Doctrine and Destitution

Team 6: Renting Right